
Department of Computer Science Conducted Workshop

ProGrow Workshop | Department of Computer Science

Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore., Lahore

The workshop started on 10th June 2022 and is held on a weekly basis (for 4 weeks) on Fridays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Continuing Professional Development Seminar

Qarshi University Auditorium

ORIC, Qarshi University has taken the initiative to start a continuing professional development (CPD) seminar series. The first seminar titled "Approaches to impactful teaching and research" was held on Friday, […]

Approach to Impactful Teaching & Research

Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore., Lahore

Equip yourself with beneficial knowledge about ''Outcome Based Education, OBE" by attending a workshop with Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi at Qarshi University auditorium (for faculty members only).

Seminar on Hepatitis

Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore., Lahore

People Management Seminar

Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore Qarshi University Auditoriam, Lahore., Lahore
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